Community Focus Group

Thursday, May 910:30 AM—12:00 PMHollis RoomGleason Public Library22 Bedford Road, Carlisle, MA, 01741

The Gleason Public Library is creating a new strategic plan and we would love to hear from you. Anyone can take part in this community discussion - young, old, library users or not, new in town or long-time residents; we're looking for many perspectives to inform how the Gleason can support Carlisle's future.

The meeting will last no longer than 90 minutes; it will be held in the Library’s 3rd floor Hollis Room, and light refreshments will be served. The focus group will be facilitated by a library consultant who will seek your input on questions designed to inform the development of the Library’s plan for its services, programs, and community partnerships in the future.

Registration requested. If you are unable to attend one of our focus groups but would like to share your input, please contact Martha at or 978-369-4898.

Registration for this event has now closed.